Pre-Opening: SHIFT - The Microfactory at VORN the Berlin Fashion Hub

The fashion industry is about to change. Future success for brands, retailers and manufacturers will depend on the ability to adapt and become more digital, sustainable and agile.

At SHIFT we develop with you tailor made R&D projects merging our unique rapid prototyping environment with digital technologies and a wide network of industry experts. Our location in the Bikini Mall in Berlin allows direct interaction with consumers in concept store experiences connected to the Microfactory.

The SHIFT Microfactoy offers a broad programme of hands-on workshops and learning experiences for designers and production managers.
The workshop programme will start in July 2024. Subscribe to the VORN newsletter to be the first to know and book your seat on upcoming workshops.

Kickstart Sustainable Business Models

Knitwear Revolution 1:

To Dos, Technologies and Trends for a holistic transformation at Fashion Labels.

Aug,1 2024 - 10 AM to 1 PM

And many more. Get details at: SHIFT

Services Wissenstransfer Community-Building Innovationsfelder Design & User Experience Kreativwirtschaft

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