XR Creator Con 2024 (XRCC)

27-30 Jun 2024
XR Hackathon

immersive insiders and Meta

Erster Termin
27.06.2024 - 15:00
Spielfeld Digital Hub, Berlin German
zum Kalender hinzufügen Jetzt anmelden

The XR Creator Con brings together 150+ of Europe's best XR talents for 4 days of creation, learning, and networking. XRCC 2024 is the place to be for creators looking to push the boundaries of XR, sponsors aiming to connect with Europe’s leading XR talents, partners seeking collaboration opportunities, and volunteers passionate about supporting the XR community. Our core mission is to strengthen the XR ecosystem across Europe. We're set on proving that XR extends far beyond gaming, highlighting its productive application across various industries. We aim to showcase the vibrancy and strength of Europe's XR community, demonstrating that the epicenter of XR innovation isn't limited to the US. Through XRCC, we want to position Berlin as the go-to hub for creative innovation in XR, setting the stage for the city to become Europe's XR capital.

Join us in making Berlin the heart of XR innovation in Europe, where every attendee leaves inspired to contribute to the growth and vibrancy of the XR ecosystem!

Virtual & Augmented Reality